Love and kindness are some of the most powerful, rewarding and meaningful things to work with. Many say God is Love. Loving Kindness has been an integral practice to many forms of spirituality, especially in Buddhism where it's known as metta and maitri.
When you hold love in your heart, there's no room for anything else. When you hold love in your heart, you feel warmly energized and you fall in love with the world and the world falls in love with you.
We often know love as a feeling with have for something or someone. However, it is also something we can cultivate within ourselves, for ourselves and the universe.
Cultivating love within us is like filling a container, whatever levels we are currently at, we can build it and grow it. Step by step, drip by drip.
We recommend practicing this daily and keep your heart and mind open for the universe and you will be amazed.
Let's get started!
Practicing Love
There are many ways you can practice love and self love. Here are a few examples below, feel free to use your intuition to customise what works for you, this can be very effective.
Practise 1
While in the shower or bath,Hold your hand over your heart or heart centre. Bring your attention and awareness to your inner heart area, feel this space in your mind as you say to yourself :
"I hear you. I love you. I am here for you."
Allow enough time to really let this sink in. Feel it.
You can repeat this process allowing yourself to really hear and feel those words.
Practise 2
Think of someone or something you love, it could be a friend, a family member, an animal a place, anything. Hold that feeling in your heart. Really let it sink in. Feel the love inside of you, get familiar with the feeling.
Visualise sending this love you feel to who or what you love.
Still holding this feeling. Visualise sending this feeling of love to yourself.
Practice 3
This works similarly to the first practice.
Place your hands over your heart centre and bring your awareness to your inner heart space area. And say the following words:
"You are enough just as you are. You are loved."
"Today I will live my life holding a little more love in my heart. "
These are suggestions for how you may like to work with love, you may also find some great success working intuitively for
Love is an intense emotion which is not always applicable to how you may feel about everyone or even yourself, in which case practicing kindness could feel more right for you. Kindness also involves a sense of compassion and nurturing, which is particularly good for situations that we don't entirely agree with or understand.
- I love myself, I love myself, I love myself
- I will be kind to myself, kind to myself, kind to myself
- I will be kind to others, kind to others, kind to others